JavaScript in the Wild

Add a tool to your development swiss army knife. Using Custom Elements today—Mike Macaulay

08 June 2015

We are excited to announce our third of seven speakers, Omaha local Mike Macaulay!

Photo of Mike Macaulay

Add a tool to your development swiss army knife. Using Custom Elements today.

The Web Components Revolution is upon us! Too bad Safari and IE haven’t gotten the memo yet. With silence on whether they will be implementing important parts of the Web Components spec like Shadow DOM, it makes you wonder if we’ll ever be able to use them in our code without large complex polyfills.

However, one part of the Web Components spec is ready to go today! Custom Elements require only a 4k polyfill, work on IE9+ and add a standard, reusable way to create your own tags and add some behavior to them. Are they going to change web development as we know it? No, but are they an important tool that can solve some some problems in an elegant way? Definitely. I’ll talk about how you can use and create your own Custom Elements and show some problems that lend themselves easily to being solved by custom elements.


I'm a lifelong learner. I came from a Java background but am now fully immersed in the world of web development. The frontier nature of the web today is exciting. There is so much to learn and so many ways to solve problems. I spent the past two years creating native web applications in JavaScript. In the choice between faster, better and cheaper, I believe that good software practices today can allow you to do all three.

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