JavaScript in the Wild

Believe in Streams—Pam Selle

05 June 2015

We are excited to announce our very first speaker, Pam Selle!

Photo of Pam Selle

Believe in Streams

There’s a data structure that essentially makes you a wizard and that data structure is streams. In this talk, you’ll learn more about the best data structure you didn’t know enough about and how to leverage its power in JavaScript. Expect to learn about IO streams, generators, and the latest developments in the awesome awesomeness that is streams.


Pam Selle is a software engineer, published author, and public speaker. She’s co-author of Choosing a JavaScript Framework (O’Reilly), and writes often on her blog, The Webivore. Pam has spoken at events ranging from local user groups to regional and national conferences on JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Sass. She is also passionate about teaching and learning, and has taught students JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Python, Ruby, and more as an instructor for GirlDevelopIT and other organizations.

She is also involved with the Philadelphia JavaScript Developers Meetup as well as the LibertyJS Conference.

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